在项目根目录下新建 .vscode 文件夹
{ "css.customData": [".vscode/tailwind.json"] }配置tailwind.json
{ "version": 1.1, "atDirectives": [ { "name": "@tailwind", "description": "Use the `@tailwind` directive to insert Tailwind's `base`, `components`, `utilities` and `screens` styles into your CSS.", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind Documentation", "url": "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/functions-and-directives#tailwind" } ] }, { "name": "@apply", "description": "Use the `@apply` directive to inline any existing utility classes into your own custom CSS. This is useful when you find a common utility pattern in your HTML that you’d like to extract to a new component.", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind Documentation", "url": "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/functions-and-directives#apply" } ] }, { "name": "@responsive", "description": "You can generate responsive variants of your own classes by wrapping their definitions in the `@responsive` directive:\n```css\n@responsive {\n .alert {\n background-color: #E53E3E;\n }\n}\n```\n", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind Documentation", "url": "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/functions-and-directives#responsive" } ] }, { "name": "@screen", "description": "The `@screen` directive allows you to create media queries that reference your breakpoints by **name** instead of duplicating their values in your own CSS:\n```css\n@screen sm {\n /* ... */\n}\n```\n…gets transformed into this:\n```css\n@media (min-width: 640px) {\n /* ... */\n}\n```\n", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind Documentation", "url": "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/functions-and-directives#screen" } ] }, { "name": "@variants", "description": "Generate `hover`, `focus`, `active` and other **variants** of your own utilities by wrapping their definitions in the `@variants` directive:\n```css\n@variants hover, focus {\n .btn-brand {\n background-color: #3182CE;\n }\n}\n```\n", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind Documentation", "url": "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/functions-and-directives#variants" } ] } ] }思路
<div class="bg-white dark:bg-black">...</div>
<div class="bg-white dark:bg-black" />所以会超出预想的长。另外的问题是,如果我们将来希望去实现主题色的话,我们还要 bg-white dark:bg-black some-theme:bg-navy (假设有 some-theme: 这个东西),就更多了。那有什么方法可以帮我们解决这个问题呢?
.bg-theme { @apply bg-white dark:bg-black; }
// tailwind.config.js module.exports = { ... theme: { extend: { colors: { theme: 'white dark:black' } } } ... }很遗憾,dark:毕竟是类名而不是颜色值,因此tailwind并不支持这样的写法。但是!Tailwind是支持CSS变量的。比如你可以写成
// tailwind.config.js ... colors: { theme: 'var(--theme-color)' } ...有了这个功能,这里就可以引入第三个方案
:root { --theme-color: white; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --theme-color: black; } } // tailwind.config.js colors: { theme: 'var(--theme-color)', },这样写出来的tailwind配置,不仅可以直接给bg / text / … 等等属性使用,更重要的是,vscode这会儿有提示了!
:root { --blue-400: #4489f6; --blue-500: #0070f3; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --blue-400: #2d79f0; --blue-500: #063784; } } // tailwind.config.js colors: { theme: 'var(--theme-color)', blue: { 400: 'var(--blue-400)', 500: 'var(--blue-500)', } },当然,你也可以不修改颜色,而是更改类名对应的色值
:root { --theme-blue: #4489f6; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --theme-blue: #0070f3; } } // tailwind.config.js colors: { theme: 'var(--theme-color)', 'theme-blue': 'var(--theme-blue)' },你还可以设置同名的属性名分别给文本和背景
// tailwind.config.js textColor: { 'theme': 'var(--theme-color-invert)' }, backgroundColor: { 'theme': 'var(--theme-color)', },
5.声明并暴露 dark变量 以及 toggleDark 方法
:root { --theme-color: white; } .dark { --theme-color: black; } .violet { --theme-color: violet; }只要我们对useDark稍作改动,就可以变为useTheme了!至于如何实现,大家也可以自己尝试。
tailwind.config. 配置别名