• 使用Golang实现一个小型人工智能神经网络
  • 发布于 2个月前
  • 216 热度
    0 评论
人工智能神经网络( Artificial Neural Network,又称为ANN)是一种由人工神经元组成的网络结构,神经网络结构是所有机器学习的基本结构,换句话说,无论是深度学习还是强化学习都是基于神经网络结构进行构建。关于人工神经元,请参见:人工智能机器学习底层原理剖析,人造神经元,您一定能看懂,通俗解释把AI“黑话”转化为“白话文”。

机器学习可以帮助我们解决两大类问题:回归问题和分类问题,它们的主要区别在于输出变量的类型和预测目标的不同。在回归问题中,输出变量是连续值,预测目标是预测一个数值。例如,预测房价、预测销售额等都是回归问题。通常使用回归模型,如线性回归、决策树回归、神经网络回归等来解决这类问题。回归问题的评估指标通常是均方误差(Mean Squared Error,MSE)、平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)等。







鸢尾花分类问题是一个经典的机器学习问题,也是神经网络入门的常用案例之一。它的目标是通过鸢尾花的花萼长度、花萼宽度、花瓣长度和花瓣宽度这四个特征来预测鸢尾花的品种,分为三种:山鸢尾(Iris Setosa)、变色鸢尾(Iris Versicolour)和维吉尼亚鸢尾(Iris Virginica)。








// neuralNet contains all of the information
// that defines a trained neural network.
type neuralNet struct {
config  neuralNetConfig
wHidden *mat.Dense
bHidden *mat.Dense
wOut    *mat.Dense
bOut    *mat.Dense
// 堆代码 duidaima.com
// neuralNetConfig defines our neural network
// architecture and learning parameters.
type neuralNetConfig struct {
inputNeurons  int
outputNeurons int
hiddenNeurons int
numEpochs     int
learningRate  float64

func newNetwork(config neuralNetConfig) *neuralNet {
        return &neuralNet{config: config}

// sigmoid implements the sigmoid function
// for use in activation functions.
func sigmoid(x float64) float64 {
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.Exp(-x))

// sigmoidPrime implements the derivative
// of the sigmoid function for backpropagation.
func sigmoidPrime(x float64) float64 {
    return sigmoid(x) * (1.0 - sigmoid(x))

    1 初始化权重和偏置(例如,随机初始化)。
    2 将训练数据输入神经网络中进行前馈,以生成输出。
    3 将输出与正确输出进行比较,以获取误差。
    4 基于误差计算权重和偏置的变化。
    5 将变化通过神经网络进行反向传播。

// train trains a neural network using backpropagation.
func (nn *neuralNet) train(x, y *mat.Dense) error {

    // Initialize biases/weights.
    randSource := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
    randGen := rand.New(randSource)

    wHidden := mat.NewDense(nn.config.inputNeurons, nn.config.hiddenNeurons, nil)
    bHidden := mat.NewDense(1, nn.config.hiddenNeurons, nil)
    wOut := mat.NewDense(nn.config.hiddenNeurons, nn.config.outputNeurons, nil)
    bOut := mat.NewDense(1, nn.config.outputNeurons, nil)

    wHiddenRaw := wHidden.RawMatrix().Data
    bHiddenRaw := bHidden.RawMatrix().Data
    wOutRaw := wOut.RawMatrix().Data
    bOutRaw := bOut.RawMatrix().Data

    for _, param := range [][]float64{
    } {
        for i := range param {
            param[i] = randGen.Float64()

    // Define the output of the neural network.
    output := new(mat.Dense)

    // Use backpropagation to adjust the weights and biases.
    if err := nn.backpropagate(x, y, wHidden, bHidden, wOut, bOut, output); err != nil {
        return err

    // Define our trained neural network.
    nn.wHidden = wHidden
    nn.bHidden = bHidden
    nn.wOut = wOut
    nn.bOut = bOut

    return nil
// backpropagate completes the backpropagation method.
func (nn *neuralNet) backpropagate(x, y, wHidden, bHidden, wOut, bOut, output *mat.Dense) error {

    // Loop over the number of epochs utilizing
    // backpropagation to train our model.
    for i := 0; i < nn.config.numEpochs; i++ {

        // Complete the feed forward process.
        hiddenLayerInput := new(mat.Dense)
        hiddenLayerInput.Mul(x, wHidden)
        addBHidden := func(_, col int, v float64) float64 { return v + bHidden.At(0, col) }
        hiddenLayerInput.Apply(addBHidden, hiddenLayerInput)

        hiddenLayerActivations := new(mat.Dense)
        applySigmoid := func(_, _ int, v float64) float64 { return sigmoid(v) }
        hiddenLayerActivations.Apply(applySigmoid, hiddenLayerInput)

        outputLayerInput := new(mat.Dense)
        outputLayerInput.Mul(hiddenLayerActivations, wOut)
        addBOut := func(_, col int, v float64) float64 { return v + bOut.At(0, col) }
        outputLayerInput.Apply(addBOut, outputLayerInput)
        output.Apply(applySigmoid, outputLayerInput)

        // Complete the backpropagation.
        networkError := new(mat.Dense)
        networkError.Sub(y, output)

        slopeOutputLayer := new(mat.Dense)
        applySigmoidPrime := func(_, _ int, v float64) float64 { return sigmoidPrime(v) }
        slopeOutputLayer.Apply(applySigmoidPrime, output)
        slopeHiddenLayer := new(mat.Dense)
        slopeHiddenLayer.Apply(applySigmoidPrime, hiddenLayerActivations)

        dOutput := new(mat.Dense)
        dOutput.MulElem(networkError, slopeOutputLayer)
        errorAtHiddenLayer := new(mat.Dense)
        errorAtHiddenLayer.Mul(dOutput, wOut.T())

        dHiddenLayer := new(mat.Dense)
        dHiddenLayer.MulElem(errorAtHiddenLayer, slopeHiddenLayer)

        // Adjust the parameters.
        wOutAdj := new(mat.Dense)
        wOutAdj.Mul(hiddenLayerActivations.T(), dOutput)
        wOutAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, wOutAdj)
        wOut.Add(wOut, wOutAdj)

        bOutAdj, err := sumAlongAxis(0, dOutput)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        bOutAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, bOutAdj)
        bOut.Add(bOut, bOutAdj)

        wHiddenAdj := new(mat.Dense)
        wHiddenAdj.Mul(x.T(), dHiddenLayer)
        wHiddenAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, wHiddenAdj)
        wHidden.Add(wHidden, wHiddenAdj)

        bHiddenAdj, err := sumAlongAxis(0, dHiddenLayer)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        bHiddenAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, bHiddenAdj)
        bHidden.Add(bHidden, bHiddenAdj)

    return nil
// sumAlongAxis sums a matrix along a particular dimension, 
// preserving the other dimension.
func sumAlongAxis(axis int, m *mat.Dense) (*mat.Dense, error) {

        numRows, numCols := m.Dims()

        var output *mat.Dense

        switch axis {
        case 0:
                data := make([]float64, numCols)
                for i := 0; i < numCols; i++ {
                        col := mat.Col(nil, i, m)
                        data[i] = floats.Sum(col)
                output = mat.NewDense(1, numCols, data)
        case 1:
                data := make([]float64, numRows)
                for i := 0; i < numRows; i++ {
                        row := mat.Row(nil, i, m)
                        data[i] = floats.Sum(row)
                output = mat.NewDense(numRows, 1, data)
                return nil, errors.New("invalid axis, must be 0 or 1")

        return output, nil
// predict makes a prediction based on a trained
// neural network.
func (nn *neuralNet) predict(x *mat.Dense) (*mat.Dense, error) {

    // Check to make sure that our neuralNet value
    // represents a trained model.
    if nn.wHidden == nil || nn.wOut == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("the supplied weights are empty")
    if nn.bHidden == nil || nn.bOut == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("the supplied biases are empty")

    // Define the output of the neural network.
    output := new(mat.Dense)

    // Complete the feed forward process.
    hiddenLayerInput := new(mat.Dense)
    hiddenLayerInput.Mul(x, nn.wHidden)
    addBHidden := func(_, col int, v float64) float64 { return v + nn.bHidden.At(0, col) }
    hiddenLayerInput.Apply(addBHidden, hiddenLayerInput)

    hiddenLayerActivations := new(mat.Dense)
    applySigmoid := func(_, _ int, v float64) float64 { return sigmoid(v) }
    hiddenLayerActivations.Apply(applySigmoid, hiddenLayerInput)

    outputLayerInput := new(mat.Dense)
    outputLayerInput.Mul(hiddenLayerActivations, nn.wOut)
    addBOut := func(_, col int, v float64) float64 { return v + nn.bOut.At(0, col) }
    outputLayerInput.Apply(addBOut, outputLayerInput)
    output.Apply(applySigmoid, outputLayerInput)

    return output, nil


这里包含花瓣和花蕊的具体数据,以及这些样本所对应的花的种类,分别对应上文提到的山鸢尾(Iris Setosa)、维吉尼亚鸢尾(Iris Virginica)和 变色鸢尾(Iris Versicolour),注意鸢尾花种类顺序分先后,分别对应上表中的数据。

go get gonum.org/v1/gonum/floats
package main

import (


// neuralNet contains all of the information
// that defines a trained neural network.
type neuralNet struct {
    config neuralNetConfig
    wHidden * mat.Dense
    bHidden * mat.Dense
    wOut * mat.Dense
    bOut * mat.Dense

// neuralNetConfig defines our neural network
// architecture and learning parameters.
type neuralNetConfig struct {
    inputNeurons int
    outputNeurons int
    hiddenNeurons int
    numEpochs int
    learningRate float64

func main() {

    // Form the training matrices.
    inputs, labels: = makeInputsAndLabels("data/train.csv")

    // Define our network architecture and learning parameters.
    config: = neuralNetConfig {
        inputNeurons: 4,
        outputNeurons: 3,
        hiddenNeurons: 3,
        numEpochs: 5000,
        learningRate: 0.3,

    // Train the neural network.
    network: = newNetwork(config)
    if err: = network.train(inputs, labels);
    err != nil {

    // Form the testing matrices.
    testInputs, testLabels: = makeInputsAndLabels("data/test.csv")

    // Make the predictions using the trained model.
    predictions, err: = network.predict(testInputs)
    if err != nil {

    // Calculate the accuracy of our model.
    var truePosNeg int
    numPreds, _: = predictions.Dims()
    for i: = 0;
    i < numPreds;

        // Get the label.
        labelRow: = mat.Row(nil, i, testLabels)
        var prediction int
        for idx,
        label: = range labelRow {
            if label == 1.0 {
                prediction = idx

        // Accumulate the true positive/negative count.
            if predictions.At(i, prediction) == floats.Max(mat.Row(nil, i, predictions)) {

    // Calculate the accuracy (subset accuracy).
    accuracy: = float64(truePosNeg) / float64(numPreds)

    // Output the Accuracy value to standard out.
    fmt.Printf("\nAccuracy = %0.2f\n\n", accuracy)

// NewNetwork initializes a new neural network.
func newNetwork(config neuralNetConfig) * neuralNet {
    return &neuralNet {
        config: config

// train trains a neural network using backpropagation.
func(nn * neuralNet) train(x, y * mat.Dense) error {

    // Initialize biases/weights.
    randSource: = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
    randGen: = rand.New(randSource)

        wHidden: = mat.NewDense(nn.config.inputNeurons, nn.config.hiddenNeurons, nil)
    bHidden: = mat.NewDense(1, nn.config.hiddenNeurons, nil)
    wOut: = mat.NewDense(nn.config.hiddenNeurons, nn.config.outputNeurons, nil)
    bOut: = mat.NewDense(1, nn.config.outputNeurons, nil)

        wHiddenRaw: = wHidden.RawMatrix().Data
    bHiddenRaw: = bHidden.RawMatrix().Data
    wOutRaw: = wOut.RawMatrix().Data
    bOutRaw: = bOut.RawMatrix().Data

        for _,
    param: = range[][] float64 {
    } {
        for i: = range param {
            param[i] = randGen.Float64()

    // Define the output of the neural network.
        output: = new(mat.Dense)

    // Use backpropagation to adjust the weights and biases.
    if err: = nn.backpropagate(x, y, wHidden, bHidden, wOut, bOut, output);err != nil {
        return err

    // Define our trained neural network.
    nn.wHidden = wHidden
    nn.bHidden = bHidden
    nn.wOut = wOut
    nn.bOut = bOut

    return nil

// backpropagate completes the backpropagation method.
func(nn * neuralNet) backpropagate(x, y, wHidden, bHidden, wOut, bOut, output * mat.Dense) error {

    // Loop over the number of epochs utilizing
    // backpropagation to train our model.
    for i: = 0;
    i < nn.config.numEpochs;

        // Complete the feed forward process.
        hiddenLayerInput: = new(mat.Dense)
        hiddenLayerInput.Mul(x, wHidden)
        addBHidden: = func(_, col int, v float64) float64 {
            return v + bHidden.At(0, col)
        hiddenLayerInput.Apply(addBHidden, hiddenLayerInput)

        hiddenLayerActivations: = new(mat.Dense)
        applySigmoid: = func(_, _ int, v float64) float64 {
            return sigmoid(v)
        hiddenLayerActivations.Apply(applySigmoid, hiddenLayerInput)

        outputLayerInput: = new(mat.Dense)
        outputLayerInput.Mul(hiddenLayerActivations, wOut)
        addBOut: = func(_, col int, v float64) float64 {
            return v + bOut.At(0, col)
        outputLayerInput.Apply(addBOut, outputLayerInput)
        output.Apply(applySigmoid, outputLayerInput)

        // Complete the backpropagation.
        networkError: = new(mat.Dense)
        networkError.Sub(y, output)

        slopeOutputLayer: = new(mat.Dense)
        applySigmoidPrime: = func(_, _ int, v float64) float64 {
            return sigmoidPrime(v)
        slopeOutputLayer.Apply(applySigmoidPrime, output)
        slopeHiddenLayer: = new(mat.Dense)
        slopeHiddenLayer.Apply(applySigmoidPrime, hiddenLayerActivations)

        dOutput: = new(mat.Dense)
        dOutput.MulElem(networkError, slopeOutputLayer)
        errorAtHiddenLayer: = new(mat.Dense)
        errorAtHiddenLayer.Mul(dOutput, wOut.T())

        dHiddenLayer: = new(mat.Dense)
        dHiddenLayer.MulElem(errorAtHiddenLayer, slopeHiddenLayer)

        // Adjust the parameters.
        wOutAdj: = new(mat.Dense)
        wOutAdj.Mul(hiddenLayerActivations.T(), dOutput)
        wOutAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, wOutAdj)
        wOut.Add(wOut, wOutAdj)

        err: = sumAlongAxis(0, dOutput)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        bOutAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, bOutAdj)
        bOut.Add(bOut, bOutAdj)

        wHiddenAdj: = new(mat.Dense)
        wHiddenAdj.Mul(x.T(), dHiddenLayer)
        wHiddenAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, wHiddenAdj)
        wHidden.Add(wHidden, wHiddenAdj)

        err: = sumAlongAxis(0, dHiddenLayer)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        bHiddenAdj.Scale(nn.config.learningRate, bHiddenAdj)
        bHidden.Add(bHidden, bHiddenAdj)

    return nil

// predict makes a prediction based on a trained
// neural network.
func(nn * neuralNet) predict(x * mat.Dense)( * mat.Dense, error) {

    // Check to make sure that our neuralNet value
    // represents a trained model.
    if nn.wHidden == nil || nn.wOut == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("the supplied weights are empty")
    if nn.bHidden == nil || nn.bOut == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("the supplied biases are empty")

    // Define the output of the neural network.
    output: = new(mat.Dense)

    // Complete the feed forward process.
    hiddenLayerInput: = new(mat.Dense)
    hiddenLayerInput.Mul(x, nn.wHidden)
    addBHidden: = func(_, col int, v float64) float64 {
        return v + nn.bHidden.At(0, col)
    hiddenLayerInput.Apply(addBHidden, hiddenLayerInput)

    hiddenLayerActivations: = new(mat.Dense)
    applySigmoid: = func(_, _ int, v float64) float64 {
        return sigmoid(v)
    hiddenLayerActivations.Apply(applySigmoid, hiddenLayerInput)

    outputLayerInput: = new(mat.Dense)
    outputLayerInput.Mul(hiddenLayerActivations, nn.wOut)
    addBOut: = func(_, col int, v float64) float64 {
        return v + nn.bOut.At(0, col)
    outputLayerInput.Apply(addBOut, outputLayerInput)
    output.Apply(applySigmoid, outputLayerInput)

    return output, nil

// sigmoid implements the sigmoid function
// for use in activation functions.
func sigmoid(x float64) float64 {
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.Exp(-x))

// sigmoidPrime implements the derivative
// of the sigmoid function for backpropagation.
func sigmoidPrime(x float64) float64 {
    return sigmoid(x) * (1.0 - sigmoid(x))

// sumAlongAxis sums a matrix along a
// particular dimension, preserving the
// other dimension.
func sumAlongAxis(axis int, m * mat.Dense)( * mat.Dense, error) {

    numRows, numCols: = m.Dims()

    var output * mat.Dense

    switch axis {
        case 0:
            data: = make([] float64, numCols)
            for i: = 0;
            i < numCols;
                col: = mat.Col(nil, i, m)
                data[i] = floats.Sum(col)
            output = mat.NewDense(1, numCols, data)
        case 1:
            data: = make([] float64, numRows)
            for i: = 0;
            i < numRows;
                row: = mat.Row(nil, i, m)
                data[i] = floats.Sum(row)
            output = mat.NewDense(numRows, 1, data)
            return nil, errors.New("invalid axis, must be 0 or 1")

    return output, nil

func makeInputsAndLabels(fileName string)( * mat.Dense, * mat.Dense) {
    // Open the dataset file.
    f, err: = os.Open(fileName)
    if err != nil {
    defer f.Close()

    // Create a new CSV reader reading from the opened file.
    reader: = csv.NewReader(f)
    reader.FieldsPerRecord = 7

    // Read in all of the CSV records
    rawCSVData, err: = reader.ReadAll()
    if err != nil {

    // inputsData and labelsData will hold all the
    // float values that will eventually be
    // used to form matrices.
    inputsData: = make([] float64, 4 * len(rawCSVData))
    labelsData: = make([] float64, 3 * len(rawCSVData))

    // Will track the current index of matrix values.
    var inputsIndex int
    var labelsIndex int

    // Sequentially move the rows into a slice of floats.
    for idx, record: = range rawCSVData {

        // Skip the header row.
        if idx == 0 {

        // Loop over the float columns.
        for i, val: = range record {

            // Convert the value to a float.
            parsedVal, err: = strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
            if err != nil {

            // Add to the labelsData if relevant.
            if i == 4 || i == 5 || i == 6 {
                labelsData[labelsIndex] = parsedVal

            // Add the float value to the slice of floats.
            inputsData[inputsIndex] = parsedVal
    inputs: = mat.NewDense(len(rawCSVData), 4, inputsData)
    labels: = mat.NewDense(len(rawCSVData), 3, labelsData)
    return inputs, labels

代码最后将测试集数据导入, 并且开始进行预测:

// Form the testing matrices.
testInputs, testLabels: = makeInputsAndLabels("data/test.csv")


// Make the predictions using the trained model.
predictions, err: = network.predict(testInputs)
if err != nil {

// Calculate the accuracy of our model.
var truePosNeg int
numPreds, _: = predictions.Dims()
for i: = 0;
i < numPreds;

    // Get the label.
    labelRow: = mat.Row(nil, i, testLabels)
    var prediction int
    for idx,
    label: = range labelRow {
        if label == 1.0 {
            prediction = idx

    // Accumulate the true positive/negative count.
        if predictions.At(i, prediction) == floats.Max(mat.Row(nil, i, predictions)) {
// 堆代码 duidaima.com
// Calculate the accuracy (subset accuracy).
accuracy: = float64(truePosNeg) / float64(numPreds)

// Output the Accuracy value to standard out.
fmt.Printf("\nAccuracy = %0.2f\n\n", accuracy)


&{{31 3 [0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0] 3} 31 3}

Accuracy = 0.97




