• 如何用Go实现一个友好的堆(Heap)
  • 发布于 1个月前
  • 82 热度
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  • 果酱
  • 20 粉丝 44 篇博客

我们实现的Heap类型的操作基于标准库的操作,只不过我们封装了一下,让它更加友好。我们能够基于既有的一个 slice 创建Heap,也可以基于一个空的Heap创建一个新的Heap。最终我们实现了一个友好的堆,你可以在 github 上查看它的代码binheap。

首先定义一个binHeap,这是一个泛型的 slice,用来保存堆的元素,这样用户就不用定义这样一个类型了,简化了用户的使用。默认是小根堆。所有元素类型需要满足cmp.Ordered接口,可以进行大小比较。这个接口是标准库中的接口,如果你还不知道cmp包,那么需要刷新刷新 Go 新的变化了:
package heap

import (

type binHeap[V cmp.Ordered] []V
// 堆代码 duidaima.com
func (h binHeap[V]) Len() int           { return len(h) }
func (h binHeap[V]) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i] < h[j] }
func (h binHeap[V]) Swap(i, j int)      { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }

func (h *binHeap[V]) Push(x V) {
 *h = append(*h, x)

func (h *binHeap[V]) Pop() V {
 old := *h
 n := len(old)
 x := old[n-1]
 *h = old[0 : n-1]
 return x
type BinHeap[V cmp.Ordered] struct {
 maxHeap bool
 binHeap binHeap[V]

// NewBinHeap returns a new binary heap.
func NewBinHeap[V cmp.Ordered](opts ...BinHeapOption[V] "V cmp.Ordered") *BinHeap[V] {
 h := &BinHeap[V]{}

 for _, opt := range opts {

 return h

// Len returns the number of elements in the heap.
func (h *BinHeap[V]) Push(x V) {
 sift_up[V](&h.binHeap, h.binHeap.Len( "V")-1, h.maxHeap)

// Push pushes the element x onto the heap.
func (h *BinHeap[V]) Pop() V {
 n := h.binHeap.Len() - 1
 h.binHeap.Swap(0, n)
 sift_down[V](&h.binHeap, 0, n, h.maxHeap "V")
 return h.binHeap.Pop()
// Len returns the number of elements in the heap.
func (h *BinHeap[V]) Len() int {
 return h.binHeap.Len()

// Peek returns the element at the top of the heap without removing it.
func (h *BinHeap[V]) Peek() (V, bool) {
 var v V
 if h.Len() == 0 {
  return v, false

 return h.binHeap[0], true
// WithMaxHeap returns a BinHeapOption that configures a binary heap to be a max heap.
func WithMaxHeap[V cmp.Ordered](h *BinHeap[V] "V cmp.Ordered") *BinHeap[V] {
 h.maxHeap = true
 return h

// WithMinHeap returns a BinHeapOption that configures a binary heap to be a min heap.
func WithCapacity[V cmp.Ordered](n int "V cmp.Ordered") BinHeapOption[V] {
 return func(h *BinHeap[V]) *BinHeap[V] {
  if h.binHeap == nil {
   h.binHeap = make(binHeap[V], 0, n)
  return h
这样我们就实现了一个友好的堆。当然,如果你已经有了一个 slice: []V, 想把它转换成堆,并且在这个 slice 上进行堆操作,那么你可以使用下面的方法:
// NewBinHeapWithInitial returns a new binary heap with the given initial slice.
func NewBinHeapWithInitial[V cmp.Ordered](s []V, opts ...BinHeapOption[V] "V cmp.Ordered") *BinHeap[V] {
 h := &BinHeap[V]{}
 h.binHeap = binHeap[V](s "V")

 for _, opt := range opts {

 n := len(s)
 for i := n/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  sift_down[V](&h.binHeap, i, n, h.maxHeap "V")

 return h
func sift_up[V cmp.Ordered](h *binHeap[V], j int, maxHeap bool "V cmp.Ordered") {
 less := h.Less
 if maxHeap {
  less = func(i, j int) bool { return !h.Less(i, j) }
 for {
  i := (j - 1) / 2 // parent
  if i == j || !less(j, i) {
  h.Swap(i, j)
  j = i

func sift_down[V cmp.Ordered](h *binHeap[V], i0, n int, maxHeap bool "V cmp.Ordered") bool {
 less := h.Less
 if maxHeap {
  less = func(i, j int) bool { return !h.Less(i, j) }

 i := i0
 for {
  j1 := 2*i + 1
  if j1 >= n || j1 < 0 { // j1 < 0 after int overflow
  j := j1 // left child
  if j2 := j1 + 1; j2 < n && less(j2, j1) {
   j = j2 // = 2*i + 2  // right child
  if !less(j, i) {
  h.Swap(i, j)
  i = j
 return i > i0
