* as far as possible. The full set of initialization methods and their standard order is:
private void invokeAwareMethods(final String beanName, final Object bean) { if (bean instanceof Aware) { if (bean instanceof BeanNameAware) { ((BeanNameAware) bean).setBeanName(beanName); } if (bean instanceof BeanClassLoaderAware) { ((BeanClassLoaderAware) bean).setBeanClassLoader(getBeanClassLoader()); } if (bean instanceof BeanFactoryAware) { ((BeanFactoryAware) bean).setBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.this); } } }Bean初始化前操作
@Override public Object applyBeanPostProcessorsBeforeInitialization(Object existingBean, String beanName) throws BeansException { Object result = existingBean; for (BeanPostProcessor beanProcessor : getBeanPostProcessors()) { result = beanProcessor.postProcessBeforeInitialization(result, beanName); if (result == null) { return result; } } return result; }Bean初始化操作
public interface InitializingBean { /** * Invoked by the containing {@code BeanFactory} after it has set all bean properties * and satisfied {@link BeanFactoryAware}, {@code ApplicationContextAware} etc. * <p>This method allows the bean instance to perform validation of its overall * configuration and final initialization when all bean properties have been set. * @throws Exception in the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an * essential property) or if initialization fails for any other reason */ void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception; }Bean初始化后阶段
public Object applyBeanPostProcessorsAfterInitialization(Object existingBean, String beanName) throws BeansException { // 堆代码 duidaima.com Object result = existingBean; for (BeanPostProcessor processor : getBeanPostProcessors()) { Object current = processor.postProcessAfterInitialization(result, beanName); if (current == null) { return result; } result = current; } return result; }Bean初始化完成操作
public interface SmartInitializingSingleton { /** * Invoked right at the end of the singleton pre-instantiation phase, * with a guarantee that all regular singleton beans have been created * already. {@link ListableBeanFactory#getBeansOfType} calls within * this method won't trigger accidental side effects during bootstrap. * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This callback won't be triggered for singleton beans * lazily initialized on demand after {@link BeanFactory} bootstrap, * and not for any other bean scope either. Carefully use it for beans * with the intended bootstrap semantics only. */ void afterSingletonsInstantiated(); }当我们完成了初始化之后,使用完成,最后 Bean 就要走到销毁阶段了。
@Override public void destroyBean(Object existingBean) { new DisposableBeanAdapter( existingBean, getBeanPostProcessorCache().destructionAware, getAccessControlContext()).destroy(); }这里需要注意的是: