using GGMLSharp; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using static GGMLSharp.Structs; namespace magika { internal unsafe class Program { static string[] magika_labels ={ "ai", "apk", "appleplist", "asm", "asp", "batch", "bmp", "bzip", "c", "cab", "cat", "chm", "coff", "crx", "cs", "css", "csv", "deb", "dex", "dmg", "doc", "docx", "elf", "emf", "eml", "epub", "flac", "gif", "go", "gzip", "hlp", "html", "ico", "ini", "internetshortcut", "iso", "jar", "java", "javabytecode", "javascript", "jpeg", "json", "latex", "lisp", "lnk", "m3u", "macho", "makefile", "markdown", "mht", "mp3", "mp4", "mscompress", "msi", "mum", "odex", "odp", "ods", "odt", "ogg", "outlook", "pcap", "pdf", "pebin", "pem", "perl", "php", "png", "postscript", "powershell", "ppt", "pptx", "python", "pythonbytecode", "rar", "rdf", "rpm", "rst", "rtf", "ruby", "rust", "scala", "sevenzip", "shell", "smali", "sql", "squashfs", "svg", "swf", "symlinktext", "tar", "tga", "tiff", "torrent", "ttf", "txt", "unknown", "vba", "wav", "webm", "webp", "winregistry", "wmf", "xar", "xls", "xlsb", "xlsx", "xml", "xpi", "xz", "yaml", "zip", "zlibstream" }; private class magika_hparams { public int block_size = 4096; public int beg_size = 512; public int mid_size = 512; public int end_size = 512; public int min_file_size_for_dl = 16; public int n_label = 113; public float f_norm_eps = 0.001f; public int padding_token = 256; }; private class magika_model { ~magika_model() { Native.ggml_backend_buffer_free(buf_w); Native.ggml_backend_free(backend); Native.ggml_free(ctx_w); } public magika_hparams hparams = new magika_hparams(); public ggml_tensor* dense_w; public ggml_tensor* dense_b; //堆代码 public ggml_tensor* layer_norm_gamma; public ggml_tensor* layer_norm_beta; public ggml_tensor* dense_1_w; public ggml_tensor* dense_1_b; public ggml_tensor* dense_2_w; public ggml_tensor* dense_2_b; public ggml_tensor* layer_norm_1_gamma; public ggml_tensor* layer_norm_1_beta; public ggml_tensor* target_label_w; public ggml_tensor* target_label_b; public ggml_backend* backend = Native.ggml_backend_cpu_init(); public ggml_backend_buffer* buf_w = null; public ggml_context* ctx_w = null; }; private static ggml_tensor* checked_get_tensor(ggml_context* ctx, string name) { ggml_tensor* tensor = Native.ggml_get_tensor(ctx, name); if (null == tensor) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"tensor {name} not found"); } return tensor; } private static magika_model magika_model_load(string fname) { magika_model model = new magika_model(); ggml_context* ctx = model.ctx_w; gguf_init_params @params = new gguf_init_params { no_alloc = true, ctx = &ctx, }; gguf_context* ctx_gguf = Native.gguf_init_from_file(fname, @params); if (null == ctx_gguf) { throw new FileLoadException($"gguf_init_from_file() failed"); } model.buf_w = Native.ggml_backend_alloc_ctx_tensors(ctx, model.backend); if (null == model.buf_w) { throw new Exception($"%s: ggml_backend_alloc_ctx_tensors() failed"); //Native.gguf_free(ctx_gguf); } try { model.dense_w = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "dense/kernel:0"); model.dense_b = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "dense/bias:0"); model.layer_norm_gamma = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "layer_normalization/gamma:0"); model.layer_norm_beta = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "layer_normalization/beta:0"); model.dense_1_w = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "dense_1/kernel:0"); model.dense_1_b = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "dense_1/bias:0"); model.dense_2_w = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "dense_2/kernel:0"); model.dense_2_b = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "dense_2/bias:0"); model.layer_norm_1_gamma = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "layer_normalization_1/gamma:0"); model.layer_norm_1_beta = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "layer_normalization_1/beta:0"); model.target_label_w = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "target_label/kernel:0"); model.target_label_b = checked_get_tensor(ctx, "target_label/bias:0"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Native.gguf_free(ctx_gguf); return null; } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { int n_tensors = Native.gguf_get_n_tensors(ctx_gguf); for (int i = 0; i < n_tensors; i++) { string? name = Native.gguf_get_tensor_name(ctx_gguf, i); ggml_tensor* tensor = Native.ggml_get_tensor(ctx, name); long offs = Native.gguf_get_data_offset(ctx_gguf) + Native.gguf_get_tensor_offset(ctx_gguf, i); long n_bytes = Native.ggml_nbytes(tensor); byte[] buf = new byte[n_bytes]; fs.Seek(offs, SeekOrigin.Begin); int bytesRead = fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); IntPtr buf_data = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buf, 0); Native.ggml_backend_tensor_set(tensor, buf_data, 0, bytesRead); } } Native.gguf_free(ctx_gguf); return model; } private static ggml_cgraph* magika_graph(magika_model model) { int GGML_DEFAULT_GRAPH_SIZE = 2048; magika_hparams hparams = model.hparams; long buf_size = Native.ggml_tensor_overhead() * GGML_DEFAULT_GRAPH_SIZE + Native.ggml_graph_overhead(); ggml_init_params @params = new ggml_init_params { mem_buffer = IntPtr.Zero, mem_size = buf_size, no_alloc = true, }; ggml_context* ctx = Native.ggml_init(@params); ggml_cgraph* gf = Native.ggml_new_graph(ctx); ggml_tensor* input = Native.ggml_new_tensor_3d(ctx, ggml_type.GGML_TYPE_F32, 257, 1536, 1); // one-hot Native.ggml_set_name(input, "input"); Native.ggml_set_input(input); ggml_tensor* cur; // dense cur = Native.ggml_mul_mat(ctx, model.dense_w, input); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx, cur, model.dense_b); // [128, 1536, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_gelu(ctx, cur); // reshape cur = Native.ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, cur, 512, 384, 1); // [384, 512, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_cont(ctx, Native.ggml_transpose(ctx, cur)); // layer normalization cur = Native.ggml_norm(ctx, cur, hparams.f_norm_eps); cur = Native.ggml_mul(ctx, cur, model.layer_norm_gamma); // [384, 512, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx, cur, model.layer_norm_beta); // [384, 512, n_files] // dense_1 cur = Native.ggml_cont(ctx, Native.ggml_transpose(ctx, cur)); cur = Native.ggml_mul_mat(ctx, model.dense_1_w, cur); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx, cur, model.dense_1_b); // [256, 384, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_gelu(ctx, cur); // dense_2 cur = Native.ggml_mul_mat(ctx, model.dense_2_w, cur); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx, cur, model.dense_2_b); // [256, 384, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_gelu(ctx, cur); // global_max_pooling1d cur = Native.ggml_cont(ctx, Native.ggml_transpose(ctx, cur)); // [384, 256, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_pool_1d(ctx, cur, ggml_op_pool.GGML_OP_POOL_MAX, 384, 384, 0); // [1, 256, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_reshape_2d(ctx, cur, 256, 1); // [256, n_files] // layer normalization 1 cur = Native.ggml_norm(ctx, cur, hparams.f_norm_eps); cur = Native.ggml_mul(ctx, cur, model.layer_norm_1_gamma); // [256, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx, cur, model.layer_norm_1_beta); // [256, n_files] // target_label cur = Native.ggml_mul_mat(ctx, model.target_label_w, cur); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx, cur, model.target_label_b); // [n_label, n_files] cur = Native.ggml_soft_max(ctx, cur); // [n_label, n_files] Native.ggml_set_name(cur, "target_label_probs"); Native.ggml_set_output(cur); Native.ggml_build_forward_expand(gf, cur); return gf; } private static float[] magika_eval(magika_model model, string fname) { magika_hparams hparams = model.hparams; ggml_gallocr* alloc = Native.ggml_gallocr_new(Native.ggml_backend_get_default_buffer_type(model.backend)); ggml_cgraph* gf = magika_graph(model); if (!Native.ggml_gallocr_alloc_graph(alloc, gf)) { throw new Exception("ggml_gallocr_alloc_graph() failed"); } ggml_tensor* input = Native.ggml_graph_get_tensor(gf, "input"); var buf = new List<int>(Enumerable.Repeat(hparams.padding_token, 1536)); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var fsize = fileStream.Length; long size = Math.Max(Math.Max(hparams.mid_size, hparams.end_size), hparams.beg_size); byte[] read_buf = new byte[size]; // Read beg int n_read = fileStream.Read(read_buf, 0, hparams.beg_size); for (int j = 0; j < n_read; j++) { buf[j] = read_buf[j]; } // Read mid var midOffs = Math.Max(0, (int)(fsize - hparams.mid_size) / 2); fileStream.Seek(midOffs, SeekOrigin.Begin); n_read = fileStream.Read(read_buf, 0, hparams.mid_size); for (int j = 0; j < n_read; j++) { // pad at both ends int mid_idx = hparams.beg_size + (hparams.mid_size / 2) - n_read / 2 + j; buf[mid_idx] = read_buf[j]; } // Read end var endOffs = Math.Max(0, fsize - hparams.end_size); fileStream.Seek(endOffs, SeekOrigin.Begin); n_read = fileStream.Read(read_buf, 0, hparams.end_size); for (int j = 0; j < n_read; j++) { // pad at the beginning int end_idx = hparams.beg_size + hparams.mid_size + hparams.end_size - n_read + j; buf[end_idx] = read_buf[j]; } } var inpBytes = hparams.beg_size + hparams.mid_size + hparams.end_size; var oneHot = new float[257 * inpBytes]; for (int j = 0; j < inpBytes; j++) { oneHot[257 * j + buf[j]] = 1.0f; } Native.ggml_backend_tensor_set(input, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(oneHot, 0), 0, 257 * inpBytes * sizeof(float)); if (Native.ggml_backend_graph_compute(model.backend, gf) != ggml_status.GGML_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw new Exception("ggml_backend_graph_compute() failed"); } ggml_tensor* target_label_probs = Native.ggml_graph_get_tensor(gf, "target_label_probs"); float[] probs = new float[hparams.n_label]; Native.ggml_backend_tensor_get(target_label_probs, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(probs, 0), 0, hparams.n_label * sizeof(float)); return probs; } static void Main(string[] args) { magika_model model = magika_model_load(@".\Assert\magika.gguf"); float[] result_tensor = magika_eval(model, @".\Assert\test"); List<result> results = new List<result>(); for (int i = 0; i < result_tensor.Length; i++) { results.Add(new result { label = magika_labels[i], score = result_tensor[i] }); } results.Sort((a, b) => b.score.CompareTo(a.score)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", results[i].label, results[i].score); } } class result { public string label; public float score; } } }Demo2: mnist_cnn
using GGMLSharp; using static GGMLSharp.Structs; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace mnist_cnn { internal unsafe class Program { // A simple Demo for MNIST-CNN static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("MNIST-CNN Demo"); Console.WriteLine($"Has Cuda: {Native.ggml_cpu_has_cuda()}"); byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@".\Assert\image.raw"); Console.WriteLine("The image is:"); for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 28; j++) { Console.Write(bytes[i * 28 + j] > 200 ? " " : "*"); } Console.WriteLine(); } float[] digit = new float[28 * 28]; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) { digit[i] = bytes[i] / 255.0f; } mnist_model model = mnist_model_load(@".\Assert\mnist-cnn-model.gguf"); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int prediction = mnist_eval(model, 1, digit, string.Empty); Console.WriteLine("Prediction: {0}", prediction); Console.ReadKey(); } private struct mnist_model { public ggml_tensor* conv2d_1_kernel; public ggml_tensor* conv2d_1_bias; public ggml_tensor* conv2d_2_kernel; public ggml_tensor* conv2d_2_bias; public ggml_tensor* dense_weight; public ggml_tensor* dense_bias; public ggml_context* ctx; }; private static mnist_model mnist_model_load(string fname) { mnist_model model = new mnist_model(); gguf_init_params @params = new gguf_init_params { ctx = &model.ctx, no_alloc = false, }; gguf_context* ctx = Native.gguf_init_from_file(fname, @params); if (ctx == null) { throw new FileLoadException("gguf_init_from_file() failed"); } model.conv2d_1_kernel = Native.ggml_get_tensor(model.ctx, "kernel1"); model.conv2d_1_bias = Native.ggml_get_tensor(model.ctx, "bias1"); model.conv2d_2_kernel = Native.ggml_get_tensor(model.ctx, "kernel2"); model.conv2d_2_bias = Native.ggml_get_tensor(model.ctx, "bias2"); model.dense_weight = Native.ggml_get_tensor(model.ctx, "dense_w"); model.dense_bias = Native.ggml_get_tensor(model.ctx, "dense_b"); return model; } private static int mnist_eval(mnist_model model, int n_threads, float[] digit, string fname_cgraph) { long buf_size = 1024 * 1024; // Get 1M mem size ggml_init_params @params = new ggml_init_params { mem_buffer = IntPtr.Zero, mem_size = buf_size, no_alloc = false, }; ggml_context* ctx0 = Native.ggml_init(@params); ggml_cgraph* gf = Native.ggml_new_graph(ctx0); ggml_tensor* input = Native.ggml_new_tensor_4d(ctx0, ggml_type.GGML_TYPE_F32, 28, 28, 1, 1); Marshal.Copy(digit, 0, input->data, digit.Length); Native.ggml_set_name(input, "input"); ggml_tensor* cur = Native.ggml_conv_2d(ctx0, model.conv2d_1_kernel, input, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx0, cur, model.conv2d_1_bias); cur = Native.ggml_relu(ctx0, cur); // Output shape after Conv2D: (26 26 32 1) cur = Native.ggml_pool_2d(ctx0, cur, ggml_op_pool.GGML_OP_POOL_MAX, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0); // Output shape after MaxPooling2D: (13 13 32 1) cur = Native.ggml_conv_2d(ctx0, model.conv2d_2_kernel, cur, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx0, cur, model.conv2d_2_bias); cur = Native.ggml_relu(ctx0, cur); // Output shape after Conv2D: (11 11 64 1) cur = Native.ggml_pool_2d(ctx0, cur, ggml_op_pool.GGML_OP_POOL_MAX, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0); // Output shape after MaxPooling2D: (5 5 64 1) cur = Native.ggml_permute(ctx0, cur, 1, 2, 0, 3); cur = Native.ggml_cont(ctx0, cur); // Output shape after permute: (64 5 5 1) cur = Native.ggml_reshape_2d(ctx0, cur, 1600, 1); // Final Dense layer cur = Native.ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.dense_weight, cur); cur = Native.ggml_add(ctx0, cur, model.dense_bias); ggml_tensor* probs = Native.ggml_soft_max(ctx0, cur); Native.ggml_set_name(probs, "probs"); Native.ggml_build_forward_expand(gf, probs); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Native.ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx0, gf, n_threads); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("compute Time: {0} ticks.", stopwatch.ElapsedTicks); //ggml_graph_print(&gf); //Native.ggml_graph_dump_dot(gf, null, ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fname_cgraph)) { // export the compute graph for later use // see the "mnist-cpu" example Native.ggml_graph_export(gf, fname_cgraph); Console.WriteLine("exported compute graph to {0}\n", fname_cgraph); } float* probs_data = Native.ggml_get_data_f32(probs); List<float> probs_list = new List<float>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { probs_list.Add(probs_data[i]); } int prediction = probs_list.IndexOf(probs_list.Max()); Native.ggml_free(ctx0); return prediction; } } }