import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { // 堆代码 override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let someClass = SomeClass() someClass.originalMethod() } } class SomeClass { @objc dynamic func originalMethod() { print("I am the original method") } }运行以上代码,我们会看到 originalMethod 的输出:
I am the original method现在,我们将添加一些代码以将 originalMethod 的实现替换为 swizzledOriginalMethod 的实现:
import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let selector1 = #selector(SomeClass.originalMethod) let selector2 = #selector(SomeClass.swizzledOriginalMethod) let method1 = class_getInstanceMethod(SomeClass.self, selector1)! let method2 = class_getInstanceMethod(SomeClass.self, selector2)! method_exchangeImplementations(method1, method2) let someClass = SomeClass() someClass.originalMethod() } } class SomeClass { @objc dynamic func originalMethod() { print("I am the original method") } } extension SomeClass { @objc func swizzledOriginalMethod() { print("I am the replacement method") } }运行以上代码,我们可以确认在调用 originalMethod 时,实际上调用的是 swizzledOriginalMethod:
I am the replacement method现代 swift 方法
import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let someClass = SomeClass() someClass.originalMethod() someClass.orignalMethodWithParameters(for: "Param1", param2: "Param2") print(someClass.originalMethodWithParametersAndReturnType(param: "Param")) } } class SomeClass { dynamic func originalMethod() { print("I am the original method") } dynamic func orignalMethodWithParameters(for param1: String, param2: String) { print("I am the original method with parameters - param1: \(param1) - param2: \(param2)") } dynamic func originalMethodWithParametersAndReturnType(param: String) -> Bool { print("I am the original method with parameter - param: \(param) - and return type: Bool") return true } }当运行上述代码时,我们将看到以下输出:
I am the original method I am the original method with parameters - param1: Param1 - param2: Param2 I am the original method with parameter - param: Param - and return type: Bool true现在,添加以下代码以 @_dynamicReplacement 注解来用新实现替换原始方法:
extension SomeClass { @_dynamicReplacement(for: originalMethod) func replacementMethod() { print("I'm the replacement method") } @_dynamicReplacement(for: orignalMethodWithParameters(for:param2:)) func replacementMethodWithParameters(param1: String, param2: String) { print("I am the replacement method with parameters - param1: \(param1) - param2: \(param2)") } @_dynamicReplacement(for: originalMethodWithParametersAndReturnType(param:)) func replacement_withParameters_andReturnType(param: String) -> Bool { print("I am the replacement method with parameter - param: \(param) - and return type: Bool") return false } }再次运行应用程序,我们将在控制台中看到以下输出:
I'm the replacement method I am the replacement method with parameters - param1: Param1 - param2: Param2 I am the replacement method with parameter - param: Param - and return type: Bool false如上所示,扩展中的方法实现已经替换了 SomeClass 的原始方法实现,而无需我们对子类进行子类化。