pip install maturin它包含了maturin二进制文件,这是一个命令行界面。
# 堆代码 duidaima.com $ maturin --help maturin 0.12.9 Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages USAGE: maturin <SUBCOMMAND> OPTIONS: -h,--help Print help information -V,--version Print version information SUBCOMMANDS: build Build the crate into python packages develop Installs the crateas module in the current virtualenv help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) init Create a new cargo project in an existing directory list-python Searches and lists the available python installations new Create a new cargo project publish Build and publish the crateas python packages to pypi sdist Build only a source distribution(sdist) without compiling upload Uploads python packages to pypimaturin可执行文件提供了几个选项。让我们聚焦于build和develop这两个选项。
$ maturin new --help maturin-new Create a new cargo project USAGE: maturin new [OPTIONS]<PATH> ARGS: <PATH>Project path OPTIONS: -b,--bindings <BINDINGS>Which kind of bindings to use[possible values: pyo3, rust-cpython, cffi, bin] -h,--help Print help information --mixed Use mixed Rust/Python project layout --name <NAME>Set the resulting package name, defaults to the directory name对于我们的项目,通过使用选项 --bindings pyo3和 --mixed my_project来初始化一个带有PyO3绑定的Python/Rust混合项目。这里的my_project参数与本示例的目标项目目录相对应。
maturin new --bindings pyo3 --mixed my_project生成的项目在my_project目录中集成了一个Python包、一个Rust项目定义文件Cargo.toml以及一个基于Rust的src目录。
$ tree my_project my_project ├──Cargo.toml ├── my_project │└── __init__.py ├── pyproject.toml ├── src │└── lib.rs └── test └── test.py 3 directories,5 files好了,我们已经有了基本的项目框架。现在可以添加一个简单的Rust函数来对外暴露了。
→ rust «my_project/src/lib.rs»= use pyo3::prelude::*;(1) (2) <<functions>> #[pymodule] fnmy_project(_py:Python, m:&PyModule)->PyResult<()>{ (3) <<function_declarations>> Ok(()) } (4) <<tests>>(1) 我们引入Py03的定义和宏。
→ rust «functions»= #[pyfunction](1) fnis_prime(num:u32)->bool{ match num { 0|1=>false, _ =>{ letlimit=(num asf32).sqrt()asu32;(2) (2..=limit).any(|i| num % i ==0)==false(3) } } }(1) Rust宏#[pyfunction]会生成用于Python绑定的代码。
→ rust «function_declarations» = m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(is_prime, m)?)?;在 <<测试>> 代码块中,添加一些简单的单元测试。
→ rust «tests»= #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fnsimple_test_false(){ assert_eq!(is_prime(0),false); assert_eq!(is_prime(1),false); assert_eq!(is_prime(12),false) } #[test] fnsimple_test_true(){ assert_eq!(is_prime(2),true); assert_eq!(is_prime(3),true); assert_eq!(is_prime(41),true) } }构建并运行你的Python模块
$ cd my_project $ maturin develop这个命令构建原生Rust模块并将其部署到当前虚拟环境中。
import my_project print(my_project.is_prime(12)) print(my_project.is_prime(11)) > False > True在幕后,maturin develop命令:
[build-system] requires = ["maturin>=0.12"] build-backend = "maturin"测试你的模块
→ toml «my_project/pyproject.toml»= [build-system] requires =["maturin>=0.12"] build-backend ="maturin" [project.optional-dependencies] test =[ "hypothesis", "sympy" ] [project] name ="my_project" requires-python =">=3.6" classifiers =[ "Programming Language :: Rust", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython", ]现在我们可以运行maturin develop命令。
$ cd my_project $ maturin develop --extras test (1)(1) 使用选项 --extras test,Maturin会安装Python测试依赖项。
→ Python«my_project/test/test.py»= from hypothesis import settings,Verbosity, given from hypothesis import strategies as st from sympy.ntheory import isprime import my_project @given(s=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=2**10)) @settings(verbosity=Verbosity.normal, max_examples=500) def test_is_prime(s): assertisprime(s)== my_project.is_prime(s) if __name__ =="__main__": test_is_prime()最后,我们可以运行基于属性的Python测试。
$ cd my_project $ python test/test.py以及我们的Rust测试。
$ cd my_project $ cargo test